Seagull Sails
Moth 'On the fly' Adjustable Spreaders
Moth 'On the fly' Adjustable Spreaders
Tandkullegatan 17B
426 79 Västra Frölunda
The only true adjustable spreader on the market. Our spreaders allow you to tune your mast bend from the hiking position. No more capsizing and moving pin holes on your prodder.
Our spreaders have been developed by our sailors over the last year and remove the need for multiple rigs as our range control on the prodder is far greater than the differences in rig stiffnesses that are currently available.
The feedback from our sailors is they can control the rig stiffness from upwind to downwind under full vang load as well as using it as a moding tool for when you want to put bend the rig, flatten the sail and put the bow down into a fast mode!